21 November 2008

Bark at the Moon?

Welcome! The Red Vic is proud to debut an all new, all out, all night party showing the wildest midnight movies every full moon in 2009. That means there will be 12 all together (13 if the people demand it) in 2009. So come on out and give it a shot. Haight Street could use the night life. Tickets are the basement price of $6! Can you believe it? You spend three times that amount on Netflix movies that you fall asleep watching by yourself every month. As you can see, January brings us the best Jackie Chan movie ever made about a man who gets fighting powers by drinking, Drunken Master II Allow me to repeat: he becomes an ass kicking machine by drinking booze. The film basically brings the dellusion we all get in a similar state, but instead of punching chairs and falling over, he does a triple roundhouse kick to the back of the skull of some dude who got in his way. Don't miss it! And come back often to share thoughts and check updates as the date draws near.

1 comment:

  1. what a delightful idea...movies, midnight, moonshine and moonshine (the type that comes in mason jars or jugs with XXX on the label). 4 of the greatest M's the Red Vic has ever promoted! What more can you ask for from a local movie house? Black Cherry soda for cocktail mixing? Popcorn in wooden bowls to soak up the liquor in your belly to mitigate the urge to do "a triple roundhouse kick to the back of the skull of some dude"?! Get back to me when your local movie house has procured the 4 M's and these other treats.
